Not only did it make me contemplate my girls relationships but it made me contemplate myself and my reactions as well as others reactions towards me. When someone is acting out towards me I need to be slow to judge and slow to be offended because it is most likely not personal. Also, it is most likely no issue on my part but it is usually something the other person struggles with. It is more important to look deeper and smarter than it is to retaliate. I just read an article about a study saying that peoples addictions are driven by a lack of being loved and having a community and feeling apart of a community and having a healthy and safe environment. Basically loneliness. In today’s society there is a lot of loneliness and we need to reach out to one another and lift each other up even if they are being a squawky bird. The more we love the more changes we can see. However, the other thing to remember is that even if we choose to love and to understand others they may never change. They may always "squawk" at us. The other thing that I love about the squawky bird is that even if I change my behavior towards someone there is no guarantee that they will change their reactions towards me. I honestly believe that is is possible to repair hurt, to reclaim love, and break down barriers. There simply is just nothing you can do sometimes. This bird will probably squawk at us next week too. Realizing this only helps build realistic expectations. I do not think it is necessary to change sometimes except our expectations.
Lessons in progress:
Don't be too quick to judge.
Recognize our intentions and motives and easily forgive ourselves.
Change anger to love and see if the squawky bird stops squawking.
I won't always change others by changing myself but I will change myself and therefore bring more peace.